iPad Holder
iPad Holder iPad Case iPad 2 Case iPad 3 case iPad 4 Case iPad accessory iPad Tablet Cases Tablet case tablet holder Tablet accessory Tablet in Bed iPad by the pool iPad pink iPad case pink iPad Holder Pink iPad 2 case Pink iPad 3 case Pink iPad 4 case Blue iPad holder Blue iPad case Blue iPad 2 case blue iPad 3 case blue iPad 4 case blue ipad 2 holder blue iPad 3 holder blue ipad 4 holder green iPad case greeen iPad holder green iPad 2 case green iPad 3 case green ipad 4 case green ipad 2 holder green iPad 3 holder grreen iPad 4 holder
the best ipad accessory the best iPad holder the best iPad 2 holder the best iPad 3 holder the best iPad 4 holder
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Patented - US # 9,995432
Welcome to the Grab-N-Fly experience. At last, a tablet holder that really delivers! From staying connected via social media, to keeping the kids occupied with their games, reading your latest E-Book or Blog, or simply capturing priceless moments at the big game, recital, or party, when it comes to handling a tablet securely and effortlessly with freedom and versatility, there is no rival to what you'll soon be holding in your hand, so Get A Grip, Grab-N-Fly!
Handle your tablet on the spot,
or on the go.....
Patented - US # 9,995,432
Provides A Secure Grip...
Tablets are a significant investments and they are extremely fragile. We take them to work, class, on vacation, and pretty much wherever we go. They have become inbedded into our daily, socia,, and business affairs. But, because of their sleek and smoove surfaces, they are dropped often causing costly damage to the and frequently shattering their delicate screens. With the Grab-N-Fly, this problem is solved, because it is the first tablet holder with a handle. So never let your tablet slip out of your hands again. Get A Grip!
Stabilizes Camera During Video Chat Sessions...
If your using video chat applcations like Facetime, Skype, and Google, then you know they are great ways to keep in touch with family, friends, and coworkers. However, holding the tablet up right and keeping the camera stable and in frame while conversating with someone feels awkward and unnatural. The Grab-N-Fly allows the you to hold the tablet in front of you as if looking into a hand held vanity mirror lining up the your face with the screen and again freeing a hand and securing your tablet comfortably. This can be done laying down, sitting up, or even walking, all while keeping the screen in front of you and the frame focused.
Facetime made a breeze!
2015 Girault Concepts And Solutions, LLC.
Phone: 1 (800) 472 - 2359
Fax: (954) 404 - 8875
E-Mail: Info@TheGrabnfly.com
Girault Concepts And Solutions LLC. Copyright 2015
Grab-N-Fly Logo is a trademark of G.C.S. Apple logo, iPad 2,
iPad 3, and iPad 4 are registerd trademarks of Apple Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Grab-N-Fly is a designed in United States.
Made in China. Patents Pending.